Whistleblowing Policy: Ensuring Integrity and Transparency in the Workplace

At Omam Legal Consultancy, we are committed to fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior in all aspects of business operations. One of the core principles that guide our consultancy is upholding the highest standards of governance. To support this, we have implemented a robust Whistleblowing Policy that empowers our employees, clients, and stakeholders to report any wrongdoing or ethical concerns within the organization without fear of retaliation.

In this blog, we outline the key elements of our Whistleblowing Policy, which is designed to safeguard both the integrity of our operations and the protection of those who act in good faith.

Objectives of the Whistleblowing Policy

The main goal of our Whistleblowing Policy is to reinforce the importance of ethical conduct in business. We aim to:

  • 1. Promote Transparency: Encourage employees and stakeholders to report any financial, administrative, or behavioral violations that may affect the reputation or financial stability of the company.
  • 2.Support Accountability: Ensure that all reports are taken seriously and handled with integrity, creating a system where all parties involved are held accountable.
  • 3. Protect WhistleblowersEnsure that those who report violations are protected from retaliation and are appreciated for their efforts in maintaining the company’s ethical standards.

Our policy reinforces our commitment to maintaining the highest level of ethics, and it is an integral part of our larger risk management and compliance framework.

Key Aspects of the Whistleblowing Policy

  • 1. Encouraging Reporting:Omam Legal Consultancy expects all employees, as well as external stakeholders, to report any suspected financial, administrative, or ethical violations they believe could negatively impact the organization. This includes any concerns regarding the ability of employees to perform their duties effectively and efficiently.
  • 3. Recognition of Good Faith Reports:Whistleblowers who report in good faith will be commended for their initiative. However, if a report is found to be malicious or intended for personal gain, Omam Legal Consultancy reserves the right to take disciplinary or legal action against the individual who made the false report. It’s important that reports are based on genuine concerns and not driven by personal or malicious intent.
  • 2. Protection and Confidentiality for Whistleblowers:We are fully committed to protecting those who report concerns in good faith. Whistleblowers can rest assured that they will be treated fairly and with respect, and they will not face any harm in the present or future if the report is found to be inaccurate, as long as it was made honestly and with genuine concern for the company’s welfare.
  • Reports are kept strictly confidential. The identity of the whistleblower will never be disclosed to any party without their explicit consent, ensuring their protection from any form of retaliation.

Procedures for Reporting Violations

Our Whistleblowing Policy is not just about encouraging reporting; it's about ensuring that reports are handled with the utmost care, fairness, and diligence. Here is an overview of how the process works:

  • 1. Initial Consultation (Optional):Whistleblowers may choose to consult with the legal department before formally submitting a written report. This step is optional but can help clarify any concerns regarding the reporting process.
  • 3. Submitting the Report:The report should be submitted to the Director of the Legal Department. If the Director is implicated in the violation, the report should be directed to the General Manager. This ensures an unbiased review process.
  • 5. Investigation and Outcome:If the report leads to an investigation, a qualified investigator will be appointed to examine the matter. The investigation will be carried out discreetly, ensuring that the whistleblower's identity remains protected.
  • If the report is found to be made in good faith, even if the details were inaccurate, no action will be taken against the whistleblower. However, if it’s determined that the report was intentionally malicious, appropriate legal or disciplinary action will be taken.
  • 7. Record Keeping:All reports, investigations, and related documents will be securely stored in the legal department, ensuring that the integrity of the process is maintained.
  • 2. Formal Written Report:Reports should be submitted in writing, detailing the violation, the individuals involved, and any relevant supporting documentation. The report should include the whistleblower’s name and signature, although the whistleblower can choose to disclose their identity verbally.
  • 4. Reviewing the Report:Once a report is received, it will be reviewed by the General Manager and the Legal Department. If necessary, an investigation will be initiated. All actions will be taken in strict confidentiality, and the identity of the whistleblower will never be disclosed without their consent.
  • 6. Reporting Back to the Whistleblower:Once the investigation is concluded, the whistleblower will be informed of the outcome and the actions taken. While this information will be shared within the confines of confidentiality, the whistleblower will be updated on the resolution.

Ensuring a Culture of Integrity

At Omam Legal Consultancy, our Whistleblowing Policy is an essential tool for maintaining an ethical working environment. It is our belief that fostering an open, transparent, and accountable culture benefits everyone, from our employees to our clients and stakeholders. By offering a clear and protected channel for reporting concerns, we ensure that potential issues are addressed promptly, maintaining the high standards that our clients and partners expect.

We encourage all those who interact with Omam Legal Consultancy to speak up if they witness any unethical behavior. Together, we can continue to uphold the values that define us and ensure that our operations remain transparent, ethical, and in full compliance with the law.

If you have any questions about our Whistleblowing Policy or would like to discuss how to submit a report, feel free to reach out to our Legal Department for more information. Your integrity is invaluable to us, and we are here to ensure that every voice is heard and protected.