Labour Law Overtime Payment Guide

labor law overtime payment

Overtime payment is essential for both employees and employers. Knowing your rights and responsibilities helps ensure fair compensation for extra work hours. Remember, being informed about labor laws can protect you from exploitation and create a better work environment. For more insights on labor laws and employee rights, consider exploring our resources. Stay aware, stay empowered.

Understanding Labour Law UAE Over Time Definition and Regulations

understanding labor law uae
understanding labor law uae

Overtime is referred to as the number of hours worked in excess of the standard hours provided by the UAE Labour Law 33 of 2021.

In this context, labour law provides the following provisions:

  • The regular working hours are limited to 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week.
  • Overtime payment under the UAE labour law is provided within the right parameters.
  • UAE Labour Law Working Hours Overtime.

The UAE labour law overtime regulations provide for:

  • Employers may request employees to work no more than 2 extra hours per day.
  • Total work time shall not exceed 144 hours in any three weeks.
  • Overtime with no pay is forbidden by the UAE.

Calculating Overtime

calculating overtime in uae
calculating overtime in uae

UAE Labour Law has prescribed the following law regarding overtime calculation:

  • Normal overtime: Basic wage with at least 25% of such wage in addition.
  • Night overtime: basic wage with at least 50 per cent of such wage in addition.
  • Rest day overtime: A basic salary plus not less than 50% of such salary or a compensatory off.

Overview of Overtime Laws Around the Globe
Overview of Overtime Laws Around the Globe

Even though our discussion is on UAE, let's see how some other nations deal with overtime:

  • 1. Labour Law Overtime MalaysiaMalaysia has particular laws regarding overtime pay, including different rates on normal days, rest days and public holidays.
  • 2. Labour Law Overtime South AfricaIn South Africa, it is paid at a rate of 1.5 times the normal with special laws for Sundays and public holidays.
  • 3. Ontario Labour Law Overtime PayIn Ontario, Canada, overtime typically kicks in after 44 hours have been accrued in a single week. The employees are paid for overtime 1.5 times the usual rate.
  • 4. Labour Laws Overtime AlbertaThe Alberta labour law dictates overtime pay for hours exceeding 8 hours per day or 44 hours in a week whichever is higher.
  • 5. Labour Law Overtime CanadaOvertime laws in Canada vary from province to province, but most require a pay of 1.5 times the regular rate for hours over and above the standard workweek.
  • 6. labour Code Overtime Rate PhilippinesIn the case of the Philippines, for example, it is mandated that an additional 25% of the regular hourly wage should be paid for overtime work performed on ordinary days.
  • 7. Singapore Labour Law Overtime PaySingapore allows overtime of maximum hours up to 72 in a month and should be paid at least 1.5 times the hourly basic rate.
  • 7. Singapore Labour Law Overtime PaySingapore allows overtime of maximum hours up to 72 in a month and should be paid at least 1.5 times the hourly basic rate.
  • 8. Saudi Labour Law Overtime PaySaudi Arabia pays overtime workers 150% of the usual wage.

Those who think that how to lift company ban in UAE or how to remove company ban in UAE, there are basically two ways for lifting a ban:


  • 1. Overtime in UAE- is it compulsory? Though the employer may ask to work overtime, they shall know the limit under the law and pay them accordingly.
  • 2. What if overtime is not paid? Workers can complain to the MoHRE.
  • 3. Employer ObligationsCompliance with labour law due date of salary payment whether regular or overtime wages. Records and calculations of overtime hours should be correctly maintained.
  • 4. Can employers force unpaid overtime? No, this is illegal and against the law of the UAE.
  • Special Considerations
  • ● Labour Law Overtime Employee CategoriesEmployees in certain categories, such as managers and supervisors, may not have an overtime entitlement.
  • ● Employment Law Overtime Holiday PayFalling under the preview of several jurisdictions, particularly parts of Canada and the US, for instance, California labour laws overtime holiday pay have a provision whereby working on holidays can render employees eligible for premium rates of pay.


Understanding labour law overtime pay is as important to employees as it is to employers. In the UAE, there may be large differences between countries and even regions within a country on specific regulations in place.

For specific queries on Labour Law overtime or any other, please do not hesitate to contact Omam Legal Consultancy for the most satisfying professional legal solutions to better govern the conflict management and labour law complexities.

Keep in mind, that awareness about your rights and duties regarding overtime remains foremost, especially for maintaining a just and fruitful workplace. Whether it is labour law overtime threshold problems or "is overtime without pay legal" concerns, getting professionallaw advicew will help ensure full compliance and fair treatment in the workplace.